Welcome. My name is Rok Habjan and I am a qualified psychotherapist. In my private practice near
Vienna’s Kutschkermarkt and the AKH University Hospital, I offer psychotherapy in German, English, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian.

I invite you to take a moment to look around my website. If you are interested in booking a therapy session, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


I have several years of experience working with patients suffering from depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder and / or post-traumatic stress disorder. These underlying disorders can manifest various symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, difficulties concentrating, psychosomatic symptoms (physical symptoms without an organic cause). Furthermore, these disorders may also affect personal relationships, cause self-esteem issues and affect the ability of pursuing long-term employment.

However, psychotherapy is not only beneficial in the situations described above. Psychotherapy can also help people who do not have any psychological complaints, but want to understand themselves better and improve their self-reflection, which can significantly improve their quality of life.


Graduated in Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana (2007).

Graduated at the Faculty of Sigmund Freud in Vienna and gained a Master degree in Psychotherapy science (psychoanalysis) (2015).

Training in child and adolescent psychotherapy at the Psychotherapeutic clinic for children and youth Liesing (2013).

I received a final certificate of a method-specific training in a psychoterapeutic method Psychoanalysis/Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by the psychoanalytic institute ‘’Psychoanalytisches Seminar Innsbruck – PSI” (2016).

Legally protected title ”Psychotherapist” awarded to me by the Federal Ministry of Health of Austria (BMG) (2016).


Worked at the International Clinic for Psychotherapy Sigmund Freud in Vienna (2013-2016), I was part of the Ute Bock refugee project (2014) and did my Praktikum at the University Clinic for Psychiatry (AKH) in Vienna (2014).

Worked at GIN (Verein für Gemeinwesenintegration und Normalisierung) in Vienna. I worked in a therapeutic residental community as a therapist/counselor of young adults with intelectual impairment and multiple psychiatric Diagnosis, with self harm behaviour and aggressive behaviour towards other people (2015-2016).

Today, I work in Vienna as a psychotherapist in my private practice and in the Hemayat care centre for survivors of war and torture.


Psychoanalysis is a method of analysis of the human mind. It was founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who recognized and demonstrated the role of the unconscious in man’s psychic life. Psychoanalysis is nowadays an integral part of our culture and the world in which we live. It is not only a form of therapy and a method of approach to man’s psychic life and conflicts. It’s much more: it is a life perspective, and has earned its respectful place in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, ethnology and other social sciences, as well as in art.


Psychoanalytic therapy is psychotherapy that tries to reach the patient’s unconscious through psychoanalysis. Namely, the unconscious is often the main source of mental and other problems and conflicts with which patients are faced and which cause suffering from in their daily lives. Patients often cannot find the causes and solutions for these problems and suffering, even though they invest a lot of effort and life energy into finding a solution.

The repeating unconscious, and therefore unknown to their consciousness, psychological processes are the result of various unconscious conflicting and unfulfilled desires, which may have an impact on a wide range of human functions, for example:

  • behaviour patterns,
  • choice of a partner,
  • relationships with a partner and people in general,
  • decision-making process,
  • parenting,
  • self-esteem,
  • realisation of potential in business and in life, etc.,

and the formation of symptoms, like:

  • fear,
  • anxiety,
  • panic attacks,
  • obsessions,
  • compulsions,
  • insomnia,
  • burn-out,
  • physical disturbances without organic diseases, etc.,

for which there seems to be no straightforward cause or explanation.

The therapeutic goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to discover the unconscious and the meaning behind symptoms and conflicts, which brings about psychological relief and the possibility of significant changes in a patient’s life. The latter occurs through a change in the unconscious associative networks and conscious thought patterns, emotions, motivation and through the control of the affect of these processes. The process of discovering the hidden parts of patient’s personality strengthens the ability of self-observation and understanding of self and other, and consequently enables the patient to better adapt to the reality of life.

Psychoanalytic therapy includes frequent sessions, lasting from 45 to 50 minutes. There are two different techniques of psychoanalytic therapy: classical psychoanalysis (3-5 times per week), where the patient lies on a couch, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy that is modified psychoanalysis where sessions are held less frequently (1-2 times per week) and the patient sits in a chair.


  • ⁜⁜

    A lecture titled “Interviewing traumatized individuals” at a workshop organized by the organization Fremde werden Freunde (https://www.fremdewerdenfreunde.at/).

    The focus of the lecture was trauma, re-traumatization and its possible consequences for the interviewees and interviewers being part of the MIRROR project.

    MIRROR (Migration-Related Risks Caused by Misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement) project is a research project that aims to generate a greater understanding of how people (from outside the European Union) perceive Europe as a destination for migration.

  • ⁜⁜⁜⁜

    An interview for Delo (Sobotna priloga), one of the most read and prominent newspapers in Slovenia, about the work with refugees in the Hemayat care centre for survivors of torture and war:
    https://www.delo.si/sobotna-priloga/ko-je-poskodovana-esenca-cloveka-je-kolaps-zelo-blizu-204581.html (full interview)

  • ⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜⁜

    Event “Burn – out and the Brain” organised by The Brainstorms (https://www.facebook.com/events/339384516618608/).
    A lecture on Burnout from a psychotherapeutic point of view:


If you have any questions or need more information about the therapy or you’d like to arrange an appointment, please feel free to contact me via mobile phone, email or contact form:

Mag. Rok Habjan, univ. dipl. iur.
Staudgasse 22, Top 2A
1180 Wien
+43 (0) 650 247 85 17


Public transportation:

  • U-Bahn U6 – Michelbeuern – AKH underground station
  • Straßenbahn Linie 40 – Kutschkergasse station or Martinstraße station
  • Straßenbahn Linie 42 – Eduardgasse station

Staudgasse 22, Wien, Wien, Österreich


Individual psychoanalytic therapy (50 min.): 100 EUR or according to agreement.

Cost subsidy through your health insurance

Austrian public health insurance institutions provide subsidies for psychotherapy treatment for mental health disorders, which are considered a disease. A prerequisite for the approval of a cost subsidy (for ten psychotherapy sessions) by your health insurance institution is a medical confirmation from your general practitioner (Hausarzt), stating there is no organic cause for the mental health problems.
There is no uniform regulation for health insurance institutions in Austria on how high the cost subsidy should be. Below is an overview of example grants provided for one psychotherapy session:

  • 33,70 EUR – ÖGK (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse)
  • 46,60 EUR – BVAEB (Versicherungsanstaltöffentlich Bediensteter, Eisenbahnen und Bergbau),
  • 45,00 EUR – SVS (Sozialversicherung der Selbstständigen).

For psychotherapy sessions with a cost subsidy from your health insurance institution you are first required to pay the full fee for the sessions (Honorarnote) and then apply with the confirmation from your general practitioner (for ten psychotherapy sessions ) or with an application form “Antrag auf Kostenzusschuss wegen Inanspruchnahme von psychotherapeutischer Behandlung” (for more than ten psychotherapy sessions) for a subsidy with your health insurance provider. I can provide administrative support for the whole cost subsidy application process.


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